Most people are so worried about getting a bail bond either for themselves or a loved one that they don’t stop to think about whether their credit will complicate the process. The truth is that while your credit score isn’t as important to a bail bond agent as it is to your banker, it can make a difference.
There are a few specific times when your credit score will play an important role in your ability to secure a bail bond.
If You Need to Make Payments
One of the great things about Absolute Bail Bonds is that we do provide flexible payment plans for clients who are unable to swing the full fee upfront. The great thing about the payment program is not only are the payments designed to accommodate the client’s financial needs but they are also zero down and zero interest.
If you’re signing up for a payment plan, we will run a credit check and use your score to determine if a payment plan is a good idea.
Don’t assume that simply because you don’t have a perfect credit rating that you won’t be able to qualify for payments. It’s highly likely that we will be able to work with you and come up with a solution that works for everybody.
There’s a Personal Loan Involved
It’s not unheard of, especially when dealing with a really high bail, for a person to apply for a personal loan in an effort to secure a bail bond. In this instance, the bank will definitely be considering your credit rating and will likely attach a relatively high-interest rate to the loan as well. Keep in mind that simply applying for the loan could impact your credit rating.
The truth of the matter is that before you speak to the bank about taking out a personal loan to help with bail, you should talk to us. There’s always a chance that we can come up with a plan that will work. If we can’t, then you can approach the bank.
If you’re co-signing to help cover a loved one’s bail bond, your credit could be a factor. We want to make sure that you have the assets needed to secure the bail bond and that your credit rating indicates that if you’re loved one fails to make their payments, you’ll be able to cover the missed payments.