Monthly Archives: January 2022

Here’s Why Bail Bonds Are A Good Thing


Our team here at Nashville Bail Bonds aims to 1) get your loved one out of jail, and 2) change people’s perceptions on bail bonds. Bail bonds are directly related to negative situations – someone is arrested and needs to be bailed out of jail. What good thing can be related to an arrest? By […]

What Happens During And After The Booking Process?


The booking process is what happens after a person was just arrested. This process involves a series of procedures the defendant goes through in order to be properly and formally documented into the system; this is when the official arrest record is created. The booking process is standard procedure for all defendants, and there is […]

Can I Travel While Out On Bail With Nashville Bail Bonds?


Undoubtedly you have some kind of travel plans for this summer, whether you made them long in advance or they’re the last-minute plans. There’s no way you’re going to miss out on these epic moments with your best friends. Absolutely nothing can stop you – right? Maybe wrong. You neglected to mention that you’re currently […]

2 New Tax Laws You Should Know About for 2022


Nothing stays the same and taxes are no exception. Every single year, the IRS changes things up. It’s in your best interest to take a few minutes and review the new tax laws for 2022 that will come into play when you work on your 2021 tax return so you’ll know if they’re going to […]

Even People Who Can Afford Cash Bail Use Bail Bonds


Bail bonds are an alternative means to bailing out of jail, costing people 10% of the full bail amount. Understandably, this can be seen as a “poor man’s” option for bail because it is significantly “cheaper” and bail is always so expensive. But the truth of the matter is that literally, anyone can and does […]

Why Does Bail Exist?


Bail exists to help balance the justice system. The purpose of bail is to let recently arrested defendants leave police custody and jail so they can return home to their loved ones and go back to work, spend time with family, and go about as much of their regular daily life as possible. It isn’t […]

Over-posting On Social Media While Vacationing?


Posting pics on social media has become synonymous with traveling and vacationing. We love to show our friends and family the cool places we’re visiting, the delicious food we’re eating, and overall, all the fun we’re having while they are stuck at work. You may have so many photos to choose from to post, but […]

Who Watches Your Back Better Than a Best Friend?


The best of friends always have each other’s backs. That is what makes them best friends. They support and protect one another, which is great until something happens to one of them. If one friend is arrested, the other is now left alone to try and fix everything. If this is what recently happened to […]