Category Archives: Bail Bonds Blog

Tips for Choosing the Best Self-Defense Class

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It’s a good idea for everyone to take a self-defense class. While the main reason to take a self-defense class is to protect yourself if you ever find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation, that’s just one of the benefits you’ll gain from your experience. People who have completed one course in self-defense report that […]

How to Handle a Pre-Arrest Investigation


It’s difficult to know exactly how you should act when the police contact you and say they want to talk to you. Honestly, in most cases, they are in the middle of an investigation and simply want to talk to you about some aspect of it. They’re reaching out doesn’t necessarily mean they consider you […]

How to Protect Yourself from a Break-In


The tragedy of the Idaho murders has caused all of us to question how safe we really are. Suddenly we’re wondering if our locks, doorbell cameras, and security systems will prevent us from a break-in. The good news is that there are some things you can do to make sure you’re safe while you’re at […]

4 Things Police Look for When Searching for Drunk Drivers

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Most of us have been there at least once in our lives. Even though we were perfectly sober at the time, the police pulled us over for a seemingly silly reason. The reason the police do this is that they have been trained to recognize these relatively minor driving issues as signs that the driver […]

Tips for a Peaceful Holiday Family Gathering


‘Tis the season when many of us are getting together with both our immediate and extended family to celebrate the holidays. While this is supposed to be a fun time that is full of joy and shared memories, all of us are painfully aware that whenever a family gathers, there’s always a chance that an […]

4 Facebook Scams You Should Know About


Most of us spend a surprising amount of time on Facebook. We love posting about the exciting things taking place in our lives, we enjoy looking at the photos loved ones share, and we often treat it like an interesting party line that provides a legal way to spy on the lives of others. We […]

The Benefits of Using a VPN

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A VPN is a virtual private network. The purpose of a VPN is to provide you with a layer of privacy and security while you’re using the internet. VPNs first became popular when people started to go to public places, such as coffee houses and hotels to use the internet, but have since become a […]

How to Confirm that Candy is Safe After a Fun Night of Trick-or-Treating

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Ever since 1974 when Ronald Clarke O’Brian gave his son Halloween candy that was laced with a fatal dose of poison, everyone has been worried about the possibility of their own child ingesting fatal candy.  It’s easy to understand why parents are fearful. Kids are going door to door and stocking up. Some of the […]

Coping with Credit Card Fraud In Tennessee


Credit card fraud is a serious problem in the United States. As recently as 15.4 million Americans were credit card fraud victims in 2016. And despite the best efforts of financial institutions, lawmakers, and law enforcement, it doesn’t look like the situation will get better. It looks like credit card fraud is here to stay. […]

Top Internet Scams To Look Out For


Shortly after the internet was created, the internet scam was born. It’s amazing the number of different ways the internet has been used to scam different people. It seems like every single year, a new scam hits the virtual world and people start falling for it. While new internet scams are interesting and you should […]

Life Likes To Throw out Unexpected Surprises


Do Not Let a Loved One’s Arrest Catch You off Guard Sometimes, life does not go as you expected it too. One moment, you can be having a perfectly fine day, and the next you get a call informing you that your friend or family member has been arrested. You want to help him or […]

How Bail Bonds Really Works In Nashville Tennessee

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There are a lot of things in life that when first faced, seem a lot tougher than they actually are. For instance, many kids are terrified of taking the training wheels of off their bikes. It seems like an impossible task to learn to ride without them, and yet we all learn to manage. The […]