Monthly Archives: October 2021

What to Do if You’re Being Stalked

nashville bail bonds

Every single year, approximately 7.5 million Americans become the victims of a stalker. If you suspect that you’ve attracted the attention of a stalker you must remain calm while simultaneously taking steps to protect yourself. Don’t Dismiss the Threat One of the biggest mistakes many stalking victims make is deciding that they are imagining things […]

How to Avoid Road Rage

nashville bail bonds

The holidays are such a fun time of the year. They are a chance to get together with friends and family members who have been dearly missed for the last year. With everyone wanting to visit someone, a whole lot of travel is involved with the holiday season. Unfortunately, that fact, combined with the cold […]

Posting Videos of Criminal Activity

nashville bail bonds

Very few of us can go more than a couple of hours without checking our social media accounts. Looking at the pictures, memes, and videos our social media contacts post has not only become an addiction but is also a game of one-upmanship. We don’t just want to know what our contacts are up to, […]

Trick-or-Treat Safety

nashville bail bonds

Finally! Halloween is here. Not only does that mean cooler weather, pumpkin spice coffee, and an excuse to snuggle up with a good book rather than going out, kids will tell you that it’s time for free candy. While kids love trick-or-treating, parents often have mixed feelings about the popular activity. Yes, it’s great to […]

Life Keeps Moving, Bail Your Loved One

nashville bail bonds

No matter what happens in life, times keeps moving forward. Normally this is a very welcome experience. No matter what happens, you can always count on things moving on. If you had a bad day today, there is always tomorrow. However, this does become a bit of a problem if you are trapped in a […]

What Tennessee Charges Are Eligible For Bail?

nashville bail bonds

One of the first things people want to know is if the charges they’re currently facing make it impossible to get out on bail. The good news is that most people are eligible for bail. Alcohol-Related Offenses It doesn’t matter if you’re charged with public intoxication, operating a bicycle while under the influence, or if […]

You Don’t Have to Know Anything about Bail

nashville bail bonds

When faced with the unknown, people often seek help from someone who is more knowledgeable in that area. If you are feeling under the weather, they go see a doctor. If you need to bail someone out of jail, you talk to a bail agent. Bail is something that most people prefer to pretend doesn’t […]

Drunk Driving on Halloween

nashville bail bonds

We have a tendency of thinking about Halloween as a holiday that is full of good-natured fun. It’s a holiday that allows us to wear crazy costumes, abandon our diets, and really cut loose. The only real risk we usually associate with the holiday is the need to drive carefully during the time frame that […]

How to Avoid Needing Collateral on a Bail Bond

nashville bail bonds

Nobody likes the idea of paying extra for something. You only ever want to pay the list price, not that plus something else. While this problem doesn’t come up very often, does happen from time to time with larger purchases. Whenever collateral is needed, this is basically what is happening. Most people don’t like the […]

Has an Arrest Caught You Unprepared?

nashville bail bonds

Life is rarely ever easy. Every time you think you get ahold of what is going on, a curveball is thrown your way. For instance, you just found out that one of your friends or family members was arrested and wants to be bailed out. You were having a perfectly nice day when this happened. […]

Hit & Runs

nashville bail bonds

We like knowing what will happen from moment to moment. We enjoy thinking that we’re in control of our lives and that the only bad things that happen to us are in our control. However, this is a false belief. Bad things happen all the time and they are usually out of our control. Random […]

Bicycle Safety

nashville bail bonds

The nicer weather means more people are out and about trying to enjoy it. From motorcyclist to bicyclist, people are itching to get their vitamin D. For those of us who decide to take alternative means of transportation, we need to be careful. Riding a bike may seem like a great way to save on […]